Thank you for visiting this website, which was created, is maintained, and is paid for by certain of the Petitioning Creditors of Epic Creations, Inc., Neuron Fuel, Inc. (dba Tynker), and Tangible Play, Inc. (dba Osmo) in the involuntary Chapter 11 cases filed against each of them in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on June 4, 2024. 

More information about these involuntary Chapter 11 cases will be available shortly.

If you are a former employee, customer, or vendor, we are interested in hearing from you or your counsel, if applicable, about your experiences in dealing with these businesses and their leadership, including information about whether you are owed any outstanding debts by any of them. 

You can submit information anonymously. We just ask you to provide an email address for verification purposes or in case we wish to reach you. 

We look forward to hearing from you.


This is not an official website for the involuntary Chapter 11 cases filed against Epic Creations, Inc., Neuron Fuel, Inc. (dba Tynker), and Tangible Play, Inc. (dba Osmo) in the Delaware Bankruptcy Court, and it has not been approved or otherwise authorized by the Delaware Bankruptcy Court.  The information and materials offered on this site are for general informational purposes only, do not constitute and should not be considered to be legal advice, and are presented without any representation or warranty whatsoever, including as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.  No solicitation of legal representation is being made herein.  Parties seeking advice should consult with legal counsel.